December Goals

2014 is rapidly coming to a close. In all honesty, I am not sad to see this year wrap up. It has been stressful, expensive, and tiring. Living in this weird sort of limbo has been difficult, but Brian and I have learned so much, and even my younger brother pointed out (hey, Jared!) that if we can make it through this, we should be able to make it through most things. :) Here is how we did for November:

  • Start electrical @ Myrtle - Done! He just needs to install the light fixtures after walls and ceilings have been painted
  • Run in the OBX half with my sister and Brian (his first!) - Done! Not our best time, but pleased we finished running. Trying to figure out the next one to sign up for...
  • Meet my niece! - Yes. Such a cutie. :)
  • Celebrate my Grandfather's 90th birthday - Yep!
  • Master a homemade Southern mac and cheese recipe (any suggestions?) - Not really, but the version I made wasn't terrible
  • Complete Christmas shopping - Pretty much!

We have purposefully slowed down for December. For a stretch there between October and November, we had traveled five out of six weekends, so December has been a nice break. The house is getting so close for our contractor to hand it back to us, and we are itching to get this beast livable, but until then, here is our agenda for the rest of the year. :)

  • Settle the bathroom flooring saga (stone, ceramic, vinyl???)
  • Have original windows repaired by construction team (hooray!)
  • Find a mason to repair the fallen chimney (proving harder than you would think...)
  • Finish spec sheet for each room to determine remaining finishes costs
  • Find two more lights for closets at the Restore (and paint)

I hope your December is relaxing as well during this festive month!

Surprised by how festive our little rental looks!

Surprised by how festive our little rental looks!

Rare quality time when all three sisters are in the same place!

Rare quality time when all three sisters are in the same place!

So refreshing to see new fixtures going into Myrtle!

So refreshing to see new fixtures going into Myrtle!

A quick trip to my favorite place, Atlantic Beach, NC

A quick trip to my favorite place, Atlantic Beach, NC