Red Door | Myrtle House

For those of you who know me, you know that really the only colors I use for decorating in my own house are blues and grays, with the occasional bold black. Sure I can range from a green-blue to a beige-gray, but that is about as crazy as I get. Brian almost always lets me make all of the design choices. I did major in interior design, so it makes sense. Usually he goes along with whatever I select, unless I suggest something crazy like "let's add black trim to the cabinets" (true story). He is good about reigning me in when I venture into that crazy design land we all ultimately visit after too many late nights working combined with breathing in paint fumes. ;)

Throughout this extensive and long Myrtle House renovation, the only suggestion (and hinting request) has been for a red door. Hm. Red. That and orange are probably my least favorite colors in the world. However, this poor man has been in this mess of a house, carrying out flooring covered in mouse droppings. The least I could do is agree to his choice of door color. Here is the house in it's current condition, as well as the best photo I have of the original door. Do you think our little Myrtle House can pull off the red?

Elizabeth Burns Design | Farmhouse Cottage Renovation
Elizabeth Burns Design | Farmhouse Cottage Renovation

I am not going to lie, red is tricky. It can't be too orange, or too purple. I want what I am calling "an aged cherry" color. I foresee many red color samples in our future... Until then, here are the inspiration photos I am drawn to.

My current favorite color is Cardinal by Sherwin Williams (possibly discontinued?) - not too burgundy, not too orange, and not too dark. Vibrant, without hurting your eyes. Plus, since the Cardinal is the official bird for North Carolina, I feel like it is meant to be. Any red suggestions? Do any of you pick out paint colors based on their name like I do? I get that from my mom. :)

Sherwin Williams Cardinal